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Showing posts from November, 2018

first doctor's appointment

Mom Achievement Unlocked: using my Mom Voice TM the NTH's first dr appointment ended up being about 2 weeks after he was born (both my ob/gyn and our family dr went on vacation around his birth...hello abandonment issues).  as we waited (FOREVER) in the waiting room NTH decided he was done with waiting silently...very done.  he was due to be fed soon, but i thought as soon as i get out my breastfeeding cover and get him situated then they will call us in and then i'll have to schlep in and all the gear 1/2 exposed down the hall...maybe he just needs to be changed. so i grabbed our diaper bag (a bookbag style that i LOVE), the boy, and headed to the bathroom....there was no changing this the year of our lord 2018; in a family doctor's office; in a newly renovated change table?!  i've been a mum for 2 weeks (translation: i haven't properly slept in two weeks) why are you making my life more difficult?! now, i know i could've gotten out...

spilled milk, spilled tears

Mom Achievement Unlocked:  had a melt down over spilled breast milk first thing's first, whoever coined the phrase "don't cry over spilled milk" was A: not a woman and B: should be slapped. early days of breast feeding are hard.  i had no idea how much pumping breast milk would be a part of my life with the NTH and i'm so grateful for the friend who gave me her breast pump when she found out i was expecting. my 'supply' as they say was, and still is, low.  i'm on a medication to increase it and i pump so i can tell how much NTH is getting.  when i nurse he is always topped up with either formula or pumped milk.  pumping is a boring, unglamorous chore - many a hallmark channel movie has been watched whilst i'm connected to that thing ('tis the season...ok, let's face it, i don't need an excuse to watch schmaltzy hallmark movies).  if i hadn't fashioned a hands-free pumping bra (buy a cotton sports bra and cut a hole at the nip...

the first drive home

Mom Achievement Unlocked: they actually trusted me to keep this tiny human alive to be fair, they trusted us: my husband and me when the hospital discharged us my husband looked at our new tiny human (henceforth known as NTH) and said "ok, i guess you're coming home with us" in that kind of new parent bewildered way. we put the sleeping NTH in the giant-seeming car seat and off we went.  2 minutes into the drive i realized why i had seen other parents with the mirrors on the backseat headrests...they weren't raising narcissists -they were making sure they could look back & check on their NTH!  this had never occurred to my pre-parent brain.  with rear facing car seats either extreme of silence or screaming is very suspicious and nerve racking. we had 2 pit stops to make on the way home, each one we had to check on him, and then we have a little 4 minute ferry ride and I made hubby get out and check.  i was telling all of this to my mum who simply said ...