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first doctor's appointment

Mom Achievement Unlocked: using my Mom VoiceTM

the NTH's first dr appointment ended up being about 2 weeks after he was born (both my ob/gyn and our family dr went on vacation around his birth...hello abandonment issues).  as we waited (FOREVER) in the waiting room NTH decided he was done with waiting silently...very done.  he was due to be fed soon, but i thought as soon as i get out my breastfeeding cover and get him situated then they will call us in and then i'll have to schlep in and all the gear 1/2 exposed down the hall...maybe he just needs to be changed. so i grabbed our diaper bag (a bookbag style that i LOVE), the boy, and headed to the bathroom....there was no changing this the year of our lord 2018; in a family doctor's office; in a newly renovated change table?!  i've been a mum for 2 weeks (translation: i haven't properly slept in two weeks) why are you making my life more difficult?!

now, i know i could've gotten out all the gear, my portable change mat, etc. and changed him on a chair in the waiting room, but there were other people. and my blessed child had already been crying for while, i didn't want to subject the others to changing hi potentially poopy diaper.  it just didn't seem like the kind thing to do. like, i'm the kind of person if there was a hair in my food i wouldn't send it back; i would just eat around it.  i don't want to make a fuss or a scene.

but alas, my child needed to be changed. so i walk up to the reception and ask, in my newly found Mom VoiceTM, "do you have an area i can change him or should i do it right here on the counter?" i kind of surprised myself with my tone, i hadn't meant to come across as rude, per se.

but it was an effective tone apparently as she grabbed the nurse who quickly escorted us to a room. Mom VoiceTM for the win! i changed him, fed him, and then continued to wait...

NTH wasn't super impressed with the wait time either, i can see judgement in those eyes


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