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Over it at 10am

Mom Achievement Unlocked: overwhelmed by every.single.thing.

Today has not been great. My tiny human is still not sleeping well through the night so we are always exhausted.

I spent 40 minutes trying to get a very cranky boy to nap for what ended up being only 30 min nap. I tried to sleep in that time but my sleep deprived husband made some not so considerate choices while getting himself dressed and ready for work so but the time he was actually out the door and not disturbing me the tiny human woke up. 

In other news our washing machine broke LAST week, and isn't coming until the end of NEXT week. You don't need a PhD in MomMath™️ to know that equation just doesn't work.

The tiny human is not usually an overly messy kid, but since the washing machine has been broken I've been going through his clothes like crazy. We are on his 3rd shirt this morning (it's only 10am) and the baby gate is full of strawberry smoothie. Guess whose floor needs a proper mopping and guess who isn't gonna do it any time soon?

Oh, and the real kicker was when I made him his strawberry smoothie I noticed the chili I made for supper last night still on the counter.  Jesus be an iron stomach because I just can't bring myself to throw out an entire pot of chili.

Of all days, today Corwin walked to me for the first time without holding anything, cuz every dumpster fire needs some sort of silver lining. You should know he walked to his father on his own last week and he like 3 days after the fact he said "oh, did I mention..."
I hope this kid isn't devastated by the lack of accurate details in his baby book.

Tiny human is currently in playpen jail for playing in the heater for the eleventy billionth time.  At this rate he's going to think I changed his name to No.


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