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Cemetery Naps

Mom Achievement Unlocked: miss an entire sermon because the tiny human wouldn't settle

when the tiny human is overtired or has just been too still for too long he starts getting really fidgety and loud. fair enough, I do too- I just have a longer threshold. Also, I think he's an extrovert because he 100% gets energized by being around other people, even when (especially when?) he's due for a nap.

So, 2 Sunday's ago in church, after break time when we resumed our seats for prayer and the sermon, tiny human was simply not having it. He wasn't bad, he's just not quite 10 months old and there's only so much that can be expected of him. No one in church seems to mind when he gets fussy, except me, because I really don't want him distracting other people. So, getting up and taking a little walk is helpful and being outside always seems to calm the tiny human. To the great outdoors we went. The thing with outside the church is, it's a cemetery.

Eventually I got tired of walking & carrying him so we sat in the grass. It was very relaxing actually, the sun was shining and there was a light breeze. Relaxing enough that the tiny human fell asleep and had his first cemetery nap.  I say "first" as if there plans to have more...frankly at this point who knows? Maybe I'm raising Harold from Harold & Maude??

Now I just need a plan for what to do in winter 🤷🏻‍♀️


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