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babies, planes, and super powers

Mom Achievement Unlocked: surviving air travel

in my last post i mentioned bringing our mini potty insert on the airplane to avert any EC disasters. but, we didn't end up needing it.  NTH slept well on the planes, we were able to take him to the bathroom before and after each flight.  of course when i took him to the bathroom right before they were boarding our very first flight he peed all over his pants! he had to go thru security pants-less

during his next potty-tunity he peed on his socks 😆 

i did take him to the airplane bathroom, therefore ruining my claim of never being in an airplane bathroom, but i've still never actually used one myself so i feel like that streak still stands.

on what was supposed to be our last flight after over 12 hours of traveling, about 45 minutes away from landing the propellers revved into high gear and we were told we had to be diverted to Ottawa.  peeps, Ottawa is in a different province than where we were supposed to land. and, we were supposed to land at midnight.  i very much wanted to be off the plane and home in bed. but no, we had to turn around and fly about an hour in the wrong direction to another city because of "icy conditions" MAY!  we would land around 11 local time in Ottawa...with no flights until the next day...with a baby and no car seat. 
luckily they took pity on us because traveling with a baby is like having a super power and the gate agents called for us to go to the gate immediately to get vouchers for cabs & hotel, and rebooked on the first available flight at 8:15 the next morning.  luckily the airport cab director had a few carseats so he put one in our cab to the hotel. we arrived at the hotel, got checked in, looked at the clock 12:15am...looked at the hotel room service: closes at 12

the front desk gave me a take out menu & by the time the food came it was 1am. so we ate our delicious take out and put NTH to bed in the middle of our bed and turned in for a few hours sleep, had to be up by 6 & catch the 6:30 shuttle back to the airport. as i'm trying to figure out clean bottles, how many diapers we have left, etc. NTH just starts laughing in his sleep.  like full on giggles. it was the funniest thing and honestly it was exactly what my husband and i needed in that moment. thankfully he slept through until 6am!

i think traveling with NTH early, just shy of 3 months, really helped him to be chill about the whole flying thing.  we tend to be pretty relaxed too which i'm sure helps. he slept right through the revving propellers, he slept through landings, he slept through people pressing that cursed "flight attendant call button".  and, when he was awake he was so smiley! someone in the security line up said that he was actually helping him feel less stressed :)  He smiles at everyone!  and if you smile back and talk to him he lights up!  so everyone we encountered was super nice.  people let us go first in the airplane bathrooms, people offer to hold him, it's amazing. cute babies are definitely a super power.


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