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Ode to dry erase markers

Mom Achievement Unlocked: getting organized

Organization is not my strong suit. I'm a very go with the flow kinda person. But, as a new mom I'm seeing the need for, and even liking(!), having more structure in my life.

For instance, when a friend told me it's normal for NTHs to nap every two hours it was a revelation. I could plan around that 2 hour window. I suddenly started noticing sleep cues! NTH went from random 20-40minute naps to on average 1.5 - 2 hour naps every 2ish hours. Life changing.

Because I'm bad at remembering on my own I have fallen in love with my dry erase marker. It has restored hope and balance in my life.
You see, I simply put an empty picture frame on my kitchen counter and use the dry erase marker to keep track of naps/feedings/poops so I can notice trends and plan more efficiently in my day. Not to mention keep NTH from having a meltdown because his bottle isn't ready or he's gotten overtired.
the paper inside the frame was an attempt at hand prints.  sigh, those pinterest jerks make it look so easy

And, when I'm getting tired or stressed I can look at the makeshift whiteboard and see how soon naptime is (the classic nap approaching pep talk: 15 minutes, I can make it 15 minutes)

What is getting you through the day? 


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