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Awesome Discovery

Mom Achievement Unlocked: lame things become awesome

I'm preparing to travel again with NTH. This time my husband is joining us! I'm so happy he's coming (and for the extra hands)!


It takes two plane rides to get to our destination on the other end of the country and since NTH's last flight we've started EC (elimination communication, or early potty training) & to be honest I'm a little nervous about it on the plane.

NTH definitely doesn't like a wet diaper & we are all getting better at using either his potty or the toilet when he signals. So, even though he's got a diaper backup he will "fuss" before he goes. Normally this is great because that's my signal to potty him. On a plane however, that seatbelt sign doesn't really care about him fussing. Also, the last time we flew I ended up changing him on the seat beside me because the lines to the bathroom were always so long.  Hubby & I hummed and hawed about options and decided to bring the mini potty insert because I can potty NTH on my lap in that.  But we are both kinda dreading the odd looks we will no doubt get. The big question remained, "ok, he's gone in the potty, now what do we do with it?"
My plan is to line it with a diaper, and then roll up the diaper and put it in a ziplock until they collect trash. We have wipes to wipe down the potty if it does get dirty, which leads me to my amazing, yet lame to everyone else I'm sure, discovery...
The potty insert fits in our extra large ziplock bags! Win!

Now if it does get soiled we can wipe it down & put it in here, protecting our other carry on luggage.

Have you tried EC on a plane? What worked & what didn't?


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