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potty update & a new room!

Mom Achievement Unlocked: official potty catcher!

last week the BabyBjorn potty arrived and the kushies waterpoof mats. today i officially started EC (elimination communication).  as suggested, i had been monitoring his routines and looking for cues when he's actually going.  it takes practice and is very hit or miss.

before getting into this morning's events lets adore the cuteness of the potty together, shall we?

ok, how cute is that little potty? seriously.
they come in several different colours too. 

the high splash guard keeps pee from going everywhere.  
the whole white piece comes out for easy flushing

i decided today was the day to start.  after his morning bottle i burped him like normal, waited a few minutes and then set him on the potty.  i have it set up near where i normally do diaper changes. i had showed him the potty when we first got it and set him on it once, still in his diaper, as a sort of introduction. this morning i unsnapped the pjs, tied the feet around his waist so they wouldn't get dirty, stripped off the diaper which was still clean and tried it out.  it took a couple of minutes but then he peed. success! he did a little grunt so i left him on a minute longer and a poop! double success! NTH is an EC prodigy! i could put the clean diaper back on him and away we go!
even if i save a couple diapers a day it's worth it and i'm all for him getting used to going on a potty.

i managed to catch (yes, that's the terminology) 2 more pees this morning, but missed what i think was the rest of that first poop.  

fresh off the potty and into the swing...where he did the second poop...
maybe even at this exact moment... 

in other (exciting) news we finally got NTH's room painted!!!  this has been the bane of my existence for quite some time and now it's done, it's finally done!!  i can't wait to give it all the final wipe down and get his room properly set up!  
hubby working on the first coat
the colour is Pigeon Gray. pigeons are adorable, don't @ me.

that's all for now...ahoy until next time!


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