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potty training & a hit man?

Mom Achievement Unlocked: satisfying my inner hippie

peeps, i think i'm kinda a hippie at heart.  my first clue was realizing i wanted a med-free birth...then it kinda grew to wanting a home birth (ok, maybe i'm just an introvert who hates hospitals. i did have a hospital birth & i don't regret it at all)  & then i got into baby wearing - no joke, NTH is over 4 months old and he's never been in a stroller!

the other night on pinterest i discovered a new hippie-esque thing: Elimination Communication, often referred to as EC.  it's basically super early potty training.


you learn baby's cues for needing to 'go' and offer them a toilet so they don't have to sit in wet and dirty diapers.  you still use diapers as a back up (and, i'm not doing cloth, i'm only "kinda" a hippie, remember?).  the theory is it lets baby recognize when they have to go, regular diapers wick away so much moisture that eventually babies stop recognizing when they go and then you have to retrain them to notice.  also, once they are old enough to walk they often take themselves to the potty because they know it's time to go & what to do!

i am all for making potty training easier & NTH is pretty smart if i do say so myself.  i figured hubby would be too but i was surprised by his initial reaction.

me: i've been reading about elimination communication; i think we should try it
him: *confused face* you want to hire a hit man?!
me: ok, that's going on the blog


once i clarified what ec actually is he was on board too.
so, hello amazon :)  i ordered a mini potty and some waterproof mats oh! and some adorable little reusable swim diapers because they were too cute and the hotel we are staying at in May has a pool.


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