Mom Achievement Unlocked: the nap
babies are tricky. sometimes figuring out the formula to napping seems as elusive as drinking coffee while it's still hot, as in, is it even possible?
NTH is almost 4 months old (i know! how is that true?!) and i have decoded some of his napping clues...creating a nap equation or, NapMathTM if you will, a MomMathTM specificity.
1. slight fussing and a general "enh, enh, enh" sound denotes that he's tired and a nap possibility is near. think Anne from Little Brittain. this comparison cracks my husband and i up. if you don't know what i'm talking about check out a tiny clip here:
2. create optimal this point i do a diaper change &/or fresh bib &/or onesie if needed
3. insert soother. sometimes he likes this one & sometimes i have to go find the other one. there is absolutely rhyme nor reason to this ever alternating preference as far as i can tell.
4. movement. usually if i hold him close & walk around he will settle. sometimes that doesn't cut it so i put him in my moby wrap, aka the best thing ever, and walk around the house.
5. new secret weapon - are you ready for it? babies go Coldplay. i kid you not. LIFE CHANGING.
now, that's all well and good but if he's fallen asleep in the wrap sometimes i need to extricate him and get things done during precious nap time.
no mum wants to risk waking a sleeping baby, but sometimes ya gotta do it.
Bonus Mom Achievement Unlocked: i'm happy to say i can usually smoothly slide him out of the wrap and into either his swing or bassinet without waking him. hallelujah. today was one such day.
babies are tricky. sometimes figuring out the formula to napping seems as elusive as drinking coffee while it's still hot, as in, is it even possible?
NTH is almost 4 months old (i know! how is that true?!) and i have decoded some of his napping clues...creating a nap equation or, NapMathTM if you will, a MomMathTM specificity.
1. slight fussing and a general "enh, enh, enh" sound denotes that he's tired and a nap possibility is near. think Anne from Little Brittain. this comparison cracks my husband and i up. if you don't know what i'm talking about check out a tiny clip here:
2. create optimal this point i do a diaper change &/or fresh bib &/or onesie if needed
3. insert soother. sometimes he likes this one & sometimes i have to go find the other one. there is absolutely rhyme nor reason to this ever alternating preference as far as i can tell.
4. movement. usually if i hold him close & walk around he will settle. sometimes that doesn't cut it so i put him in my moby wrap, aka the best thing ever, and walk around the house.
5. new secret weapon - are you ready for it? babies go Coldplay. i kid you not. LIFE CHANGING.
so, our NapMathTM equation is:
tired + fresh diaper etc. + soother + movement/cuddles/wrap + babies go Coldplay = NAP
no mum wants to risk waking a sleeping baby, but sometimes ya gotta do it.
Bonus Mom Achievement Unlocked: i'm happy to say i can usually smoothly slide him out of the wrap and into either his swing or bassinet without waking him. hallelujah. today was one such day.
wide awake, but making occasional "anne sounds"
followed the NapMathTM formula
now asleep in wrap
transfer complete
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