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interior design: baby edition

Mom Acheivement Unlocked: making peace with all the baby accoutrements

NTHs come with a lot of crap stuff and my house is already on the cluttery side so accommodating everything has had its challenges. you should see our upstairs...scratch that, no one will ever be allowed up there again.  downstairs clean = upstairs disaster zone according to the MomMathTM law "that stuff has to go somewhere"   
but, i digress...

one obvious design question that i'm sure everyone has dealt with is, of course, where does one put the nearly life-size Gandalf cardboard cutout? i know.
For the moment Gandalf is in the corner, because, well, nobody puts baby in the corner so it's all his. 


Also, turns out his real name is Gandalf the Great Babysitter 

update: we've added more crap another fun thing! a jolly jumper.  he loves it. like, truly. and i do too because 15 min in that thing twice a day and he naps longer and sleeps better at night. that boy has energy and it needs to go somewhere.

so, everything gets tucked along the wall out of the way when he's not using it.  it works, for now anyway.   also, Gandalf  has gained a basket of holding.


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