Mom Achievement Unlocked: survived traveling alone with an infant
NTH and i took our first big trip, from here in NB to Vancouver...which requires 2 planes each way (my kingsom for a direct flight) but and you know what? NTH is an excellent flyer!
i used my moby wrap so my arms wouldn't be exhausted holding him the whole time and to make navigating the airport easier. luckily i have amazing friends who had tracked down a car seat and base for us at our destination so that was one less thing i had to schlep.
also, people in general are so helpful & lovely when one is holding a baby. people offered to carry my bags while getting off the plane and helped me take me coat off and countless other tiny but helpful things. i'm the type of person that hates inconveniencing others but having a baby is a good exercise in asking for's somehow empowering in a weird, paradoxical way. so, excuse me pleasant looking stranger, can you please hold this for a second? thanks :)
this was NTH basically the whole time we flew. asleep before take off and no crying during take off or landing. i literally checked him periodically to make sure he was still breathing!
the very last flight, on our way home, he was a little fussy but that was after like 10 hours of travel & it was midnight so...fair, i was feeling fussy too.
random shout out: yay Montreal airport for your lovely family rooms!! you used to be my least favourite airport (#sorrynotsorry) but these rooms are a total game changer. private, comfy chair for feeding, large changing surface, a microwave (!) and, of course, a sink. it was the perfect place to get re-situated before the next leg of the journey.
speaking of feeding, i was kinda stressy about packing formula and mixing it on the plane and everyone said "you're allowed to take water on" but also "don't take water on because the flight attendants will get it for you" but remember above about not inconveniencing others...i'm still working on it ;) so i decided i wanted to have my own water so i could have it at any time without bothering anyone or having to wait ( i was just picturing a screaming baby wanting food NOW and not quite understanding "but the seatbelt sign is on").
so, i bought this beautiful, life changing item:
i boiled the kettle before we left and filled it up. drove 45ish minutes to the air port, arrived 1 hour before our flight, delayed about 30min, 2ish hour fight, wait time in airport, 5 or 6 ish hour flight, navigated airport, got luggage, found my friend, drove 1 hour ish to hotel. got checked in, situated in room so like 11 - 12 hours later and this water was hot! like, i had to put his bottle in the fridge to cool! so, next time i just filled it with warm water and it was smooth sailing
NTH on the long flight from Montreal to Vancouver basking in the glory that we have 2 empty seats beside us!! this was beyond great because introvert and because there was always a line for the washrooms and this way i could just change him right there on the seat. also, TMI Alert: yay for no poops!
random fact: i have taken between 6 - 8 flights a year for work for the last 8 years and i have never used the bathroom on a plane. i've never even been in the bathroom on the plane...and now i have this weird personal mission to keep this "no bathroom streak" alive
NTH and i took our first big trip, from here in NB to Vancouver...which requires 2 planes each way (my kingsom for a direct flight) but and you know what? NTH is an excellent flyer!
i used my moby wrap so my arms wouldn't be exhausted holding him the whole time and to make navigating the airport easier. luckily i have amazing friends who had tracked down a car seat and base for us at our destination so that was one less thing i had to schlep.
also, people in general are so helpful & lovely when one is holding a baby. people offered to carry my bags while getting off the plane and helped me take me coat off and countless other tiny but helpful things. i'm the type of person that hates inconveniencing others but having a baby is a good exercise in asking for's somehow empowering in a weird, paradoxical way. so, excuse me pleasant looking stranger, can you please hold this for a second? thanks :)
this was NTH basically the whole time we flew. asleep before take off and no crying during take off or landing. i literally checked him periodically to make sure he was still breathing!
the very last flight, on our way home, he was a little fussy but that was after like 10 hours of travel & it was midnight so...fair, i was feeling fussy too.
random shout out: yay Montreal airport for your lovely family rooms!! you used to be my least favourite airport (#sorrynotsorry) but these rooms are a total game changer. private, comfy chair for feeding, large changing surface, a microwave (!) and, of course, a sink. it was the perfect place to get re-situated before the next leg of the journey.
speaking of feeding, i was kinda stressy about packing formula and mixing it on the plane and everyone said "you're allowed to take water on" but also "don't take water on because the flight attendants will get it for you" but remember above about not inconveniencing others...i'm still working on it ;) so i decided i wanted to have my own water so i could have it at any time without bothering anyone or having to wait ( i was just picturing a screaming baby wanting food NOW and not quite understanding "but the seatbelt sign is on").
so, i bought this beautiful, life changing item:
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found this at the feel good store and it did not disappoint. worth every penny |
NTH on the long flight from Montreal to Vancouver basking in the glory that we have 2 empty seats beside us!! this was beyond great because introvert and because there was always a line for the washrooms and this way i could just change him right there on the seat. also, TMI Alert: yay for no poops!
random fact: i have taken between 6 - 8 flights a year for work for the last 8 years and i have never used the bathroom on a plane. i've never even been in the bathroom on the plane...and now i have this weird personal mission to keep this "no bathroom streak" alive
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