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Showing posts from December, 2018

embracing lack of control

Mom Achievement Unlocked: letting go of my Christmas expectations ( almost ) aka, the six sighs of christmas 2018 having a NTH means most of your time is spent feeding, coaxing it to sleep, changing diapers, and doing laundry.  this "sleep when they sleep" garbage is nonsense, at least during daylight hours...but that's a whole other blog post.  that being said, when we get to Christmas, a time when we tend to have more social events, more food to cook, treats to bake, and decorating to do adding a NTH to the mix is a little bit stressful. you can plan to bake 3 types of sweets in one day, but your NTH might have other plans...and guess what? their schedule usually wins. *sigh* i had a plan to get family photos done with Santa. should be a relatively simple goal to achieve, right?  there was even a lovely Santa at a local Saturday market; it was the perfect opportunity.  i dressed NTH in a sweet little outfit which he did not spit up on (!) got me and hubby and o...

baby wearing: the secret perk

Mom Achievement Unlocked: using the distraction technique we all know, or can assume, the perks of baby wearing: use of hands! one can eat, drink, use the phone, type a blog post, shop, brush teeth all with your little one in tow.  and, i find after a few minutes in his sling he's fast asleep!  yay for sleeping babies! but what is the distraction technique you ask?  when you wear your baby that's all anyone is looking at, so it doesn't matter if you haven't "lost your baby weight" or don't have makeup on, or, let's be more realistic, haven't showered in days.  put on that baby and you might as well be wearing the cloak of invisibility.  it's a super power, use it! all my belly lumps are covered! look at that cute baby, oh his hair, those little ears....see? you haven't noticed my under eyes at all! even my husband is getting in on the baby his own diy way... no baby? no problem! a cute dog will do! ...

baby brain

Mom Achievement Unlocked: baby brain my already scatterbrained self really is a hot mess now when it comes to my memory.  i have to write everything down or do tasks immediately ( even then i get distracted on the way, do the new thing & forget the original). don't get me started on remembering to put wash in the dryer...or take dry clothes out of the dryer...i usually don't remember to brush my teeth until 4pm unless i'm actually getting ready to go out somewhere. even as i type this i've just remembered there's a bottle of pumped milk that needs to go in the fridge...brb... ...i've heated up the same cup of coffee five times in one day! i kept finding it abandoned in the microwave. "oh right, coffee! i should heat this back up"...and the cycle would continue. recently i forgot where i put a prescription. i scoured every coat and every purse (sigh, at one point i thought i found it, went to the pharmacy and the technician loo...

eating: it's a whole new world

Mom Achievement Unlocked: i actually prepared a meal and then ate said meal without my child crying maybe it's just my child, but i feel like as soon as i sit down with food the NTH starts to cry. it can be disheartening.  like, yes, i love you child but for the love of all that is holy i need to put this food in my mouth NOW.  forgetting to eat is a thing.  having a million things you feel you "should do" before eating is also a thing.  so, by 2 pm you might have had 1 granola bar and that is just not good for anybody. hot tip: the number of foodstuffs one has consumed is in direct correlation the the number of nerves one has left (MomMath TM ) finding food you can eat with one hand is crucial. also, a sling wrap or a carrier is sooooo helpful if you have a baby that likes to be held constantly or needs to be held to settle, or is crying like a banshee and you are starving.  but, crumbs happen.  you will most likely get whatever you are eating on yo...

things you learn along the way: the pee edition (part 1 of a zillion)

Mom Achievement Unlocked: complain about amount of laundry I just wasn't prepared for the amount of pee-induced laundry... Paris Hilton Laundry GIF TMI Alert: ...both his and mine hot tips: - i knew that when diapering little boys one must gently point is little pee-er downwards...didn't think about it being in, not pointed towards the leg hole of the diaper! - also, while the yucky umbilical cord stump was still attached i was trying to be so careful around it and not making the diaper tight enough around his waist.  don't.  it's fine. make those diapers snug! - one night i resorted to putting a puppy training pad down under him in the bassinet (before you freak out it was tightly tucked into the mattress and only at his waist down).  but honestly, it made a crinkly kind of noise every time he moved so i eventually took it out. - rub under his belly button with a wipe and wait a minute before changing him. the theory is the cold wipe...